Saturday, September 22, 2012

George Bush was visiting the queen of England - Funny Joke

when he asked her "I must say, you run a real tight ship over here, would you mind telling me some of your secrets or advice?".
The queen said "sure, its quite simple, I surround myself with smart people, for example, watch this". She then calls upon Tony Blair. "Tony, I have a simple question, if you mother has a child and your father has a child, and it's not your brother or sister, then who is it?"
Tony Blair thinks for a moment and responds "Well it would be me"
"Correct. Thank you very much Tony" says the queen.
Bush says "Ahh, you know, that's real clever, I might have to try that on some of my cabinet members. Thank you very much"
Bush is now back home in the U.S and calls Donald Rumsfeld to his office.
"Donald, I have a question for you. If your mother has a child and your father has a child and it's not your brother or sister, who is it?"
Donald thinks long and hard and says "You know George, I'm not sure, but I'll give you an answer by tomorrow"
Bush agrees and lets Donald go.
Donald then gathers up the cabinet and asks them the question. Nobody knows the answer, and after many failed attempts somone speaks up and says "I know! lets ask Colin Powell! He's a smart man, he should know". So they call up Colin Powell.
They ask him, "Colin, we have an important question for you... if your mother has a child and your father has a child and it's not your brother or sister, who is it?"
"You bunch of morons, it would be myself!" says Colin Powell.
"Ahhh!! We get it now!" says the members of the cabinet.
The next day Donald Rumsfeld approaches the president.
"Sir, I believe I have the answer to that question you asked me the other day." says Donald.
"Well ok, Donald, what is the answer?"
"Colin Powell!" says Rumsfeld
Bush looks at him for a second and gets up and yells "No you god damn idiot, it's Tony Blair!"

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